Monday, June 9, 2014

Posted Posted by Wonder of Asia Comments No comments

Sri Lanka's tourist arrivals recorded a growth of 20.3 % in May 2014 compared to the same period in year 2013. During the month of May, 2014 recorded 90,046 tourists arrivals in the country compared to the 74,838 arrived in May 2013 which is highest in foreign tourist history for month of May .
The cumulative total of foreign tourist arrival for first five months of 2014 is 624,178 giving record of a 26.5 percent increase from the 493,294 came during the corresponding period in 2013.
Most of the tourists arrived from Western Europe with 200,605 tourist arrivals in the first five months of this year recording an 18 % increase over corresponding 2013 figures. France recording 31.2%, Germany 22.6% followed by UK topped the list of Western Europe. Arrivals from South Asia, the other region from where most of the tourists come, increased by 19.4 percent in the year with 145,373 tourists visiting the island while, arrivals from India increased 22.3 percent to 64,327 in May.

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Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau bagged the “Best Booth Design Award” at Korea’s largest international travel fair, Korea World Travel Fair (KOTFA) held last week in Seoul from 29th May to June 01st, 2014. Sri Lanka Tourism stall stood elegant at the exhibition, with grand décor of culture, beaches, wild life, festivals, water sports, Buddhist attractions of Sri Lanka. Among the crowd of visitors that attracted the stall were the representatives from national tourist organizations, tour operators, tour & travel agents, and online travel agencies. More than 60 countries participated for KOTFA this year representing Asia, Europe, Oceania, America, Africa and Middle East. Destinations such as Russia, Malaysia, China, Egypt, Thailand, Maldives, Sweden, Kuwait, South Africa, India were among the international participants at the KOTFA 2014.
For the second consecutive year, Sri Lanka Tourism Promotion Bureau together with representatives from the travel and hotel industry in Sri Lanka participated at the KOTFA Travel fair 2014. Sri Lanka Mission in Seoul facilitated the participation of Sri Lanka Tourism at the event.

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